Monday, April 24, 2017

Reflection Blog #3

I’m really tripped up in the story. Hilde’s father wrote his daughter a message INSIDE a banana. My last response was also about the absurdity of Hilde’s father, and this seems to be rather continuous theme. I ruled out the possibility of Hilde’s father being a god, because that would ruin any philosophical doubt regarding a divine spirit. Another possibility I thought of would be the simple fact that Hilde and her father could not exist. This seems increasingly unlikely, as that would mean that Alberto has the ability to write messages on the inside of a banana, which I doubt. Since we have started watching Inception in class, I am wondering whether you, the nefarious Mr. Wickersham, are plotting all this to work out together. I believe that this entire book is not reality. This leads us to many potential outcomes. The first, and most sinister implication is that Alberto Knox is real, and is giving Sophie mind-altering drugs. I don’t think this is probable, as if it were, we would not be reading this in a public high school. I don’t think you, as a teacher, would encourage us to read a story about an old man getting a 13-year-old girl addicted to drugs. Although Sophie’s mom did already reference drugs…
Nevertheless, we can move past that. There is a possibility that Sophie is taking these drugs herself, and is imagining Alberto Knox. Once again, I think that as a teacher and parent, you would not give us this book. Finally, what I think is the most realistic, is that Sophie is just dreaming the whole thing. The last few lines will be “Sophie woke up with a start. It felt like she had been asleep for years. She raced downstairs and saw her mom making breakfast. Her mom asked if she was ready for school, and she said that she doubted it like Descartes. Her mom just chuckled and said that Sophie had been reading her textbook into the ungodly hours of the morning, and that she’d expect Sophie to know more than Descartes by now.”

SIDE NOTE: I can't remember whether connection is with book and reflection is with the class, or if it is the other way around. Sorry. 

1 comment:

  1. There are no drugs involved in the book. That is all I will say.
